Just Because


You do not need a reason.

Just because.

When you lean in to kiss the skin of my breast, peaking above my neckline, you need no excuse at all.

When your hands explore me, even when time and place is inappropriate, you need not offer a defense.

When you press against me in the kitchen, and tease me with those delicious lips, you need not explain yourself.

When you lie in bed, feeling that which you cannot explain, and simply want me to climb on top of you to make you forget, you do not need a reason.

You never need a reason.

Whenever you want me, I am yours. Kiss me, spank me, rub me, hold me…
Whenever you need me, I will do anything to please you. I will kiss you, stroke you, lick you, suck you…
Whenever… Wherever… I am your plaything, your softness, your heat, your safe haven. Tell me what to do, and how.

You do not need a reason, my love.

I am yours.

Just because.

23 thoughts on “Just Because

    1. Ha, no way! We don’t need any Mel clones running around. That would just lead to a truckload of OTHER problems!!! ;P

      Seems the lady in this article wasn’t too embarrassed, since she was the one who posted the list on Reddit. She was only embarrassed when people took his side.

      I”d like to write a post about sex and marriage that addresses this issue. Unfortunately, my general audience doesn’t have this issue.


      1. It seems that, despite your experience and horniness, you have a youngster’s sexual idealism. This shrew in the article seems very jaded. Sexual idealism is something you should consider writing about some day. That and your almost maternal instinct towards your husband.


      2. Maternal instinct towards my husband?

        Am I a sexual idealist? Doesn’t that elude to the fact that I’m sort of a fake?? I’m sure that’s not what you meant. Maybe you could elaborate?


      3. @MEL

        Ah, yet again we are at a misunderstanding. Not to worry Mel honey, I’ll do my best to explain. If it is not sufficient, then just let me know.

        “We talked for a while while I touched him. I rubbed his chest, then his back. He’s feeling stress… funeral today, little man’s birthday this weekend, a wedding the following, a pregnant and overly tired wife. Then he slept, relaxed and comforted by me. That’s what I’m good at. Listening, calming, soothing…”

        That’s what I read today in your post, it does seem kind of ‘maternal’ in a certain sense. I know that sounds deranged, but I don’t imply it in some sick way. It simply seems you sort of treat him somewhat maternally.

        “He really didn’t touch me, though.”

        This seems sexually idealistic. Idealistic in the sense of not being jaded and ‘worn out.’ Like the lady in the spreadsheet story. You seem to always have room and appetite, like a younger girl who is new to it all, unlike spreadsheet wife. You have open legs, open heart and open vulnerability. This is kind of what I meant by “maternal” and “sexual idealist.” Is this clear? Does either of these need explaining?

        By the way, When you says “touched” do you mean you like to be lightly fondled? Held? Certain areas? Is that how you perceive being wanted?

        I ask because once I remember, after sex, having a woman face away from me as I wrapped my arms around her upper body and held her large breasts and gently squeezed them while simultaneously kissing the base of her neck and tangling my legs around hers. She literally cooed with delight and said she felt “wrapped” and “wanted” and such. What is the deal with touch. I prefer to touch more than to be touched myself.


      4. Yes, it does make sense. I was interpreting maternal as mothering. I try diligently NOT to mother him (tell him how to do things, scold him, nag him, etc.). He has a mother, and she does plenty of that.

        I suppose I give this same soothing type of touch to my son, nieces and nephews too. I even sit and stroke my pregnant belly, as though my little flower can feel that inside my womb.

        I need touch, any sort of touch, and yes, I perceive his lack of touch as lack of want. I suppose I’m very insecure. But it doesn’t have to be sexual touching. I’m horny as Hell, most of the time, so that’s where touching often leads. But if he hugged me, stroked my hair, pulled me into his lap to snuggle, etc., I might not be so super -sensitized to it. I touch him all the time… But the way he sits on the couch or the way he turns his back to me in bed… he doesn’t make room for me.

        I like touching him (…and everyone), I’m a very touchy feely person. I don’t mind being the spoon. But like your lady friend, I think being wrapped in him is wonderful. It makes me feel wanted, safe and adored.

        Like some of my friends have said on here, I am a ball of hormones at the moment so this all feels succinctly more tragic than it is.

        I’m very hungry for attention right now, and he’s got a lot going on. It’s tough.

        As for the comparison between me and that spreadsheet woman… well, I admit I feel for her husband. No married person should have to live without sex for a month. One of the reasons people step into monogamous relationships is the guarantee of regular sex. It’s cruel, and a very difficult thing to live without when you have a living breathing person whom you are attracted to lying beside you every night.


      5. I need touch, any sort of touch, and yes, I perceive his lack of touch as lack of want. I suppose I’m very insecure. But it doesn’t have to be sexual touching. I’m horny as Hell, most of the time, so that’s where touching often leads. But if he hugged me, stroked my hair, pulled me into his lap to snuggle, etc.,”

        Where do you like to be stroked in order to feel secure, wanted, aroused, etc?

        “I touch him all the time… But the way he sits on the couch or the way he turns his back to me in bed… he doesn’t make room for me.”

        Do you think this may be what causes you to be aroused…being ‘denied’?

        “I like touching him (…and everyone), I’m a very touchy feely person. I don’t mind being the spoon. But like your lady friend, I think being wrapped in him is wonderful. It makes me feel wanted, safe and adored.”

        It was nice, her breasts were large and thick and they billowed over my hands and forearms, spilled over really. Very soft and nice to squeeze, I didn’t know it would make her feel so secure. Not even a serious situation, a fling really. She ended up married now. We slept like that. Another thing is to face each other and be very close, so much so that I use her head/face as a pillow, it was like catnip to her. Don’t know why.

        Spreadsheet wife is, in my opinion, a straight up c–t, end of story. There need to be severe changes to laws so that women do not feel they have the whole planet on their side and this may go a long way to dropping a lot of snottiness and attitude, such as that coming from Spreadsheet wife, I hope he cheats on her. That’s why I demand you clone yourself Mel! And may this Elle commenter chick may need to be cloned as well.

        Not to depress you, but check out what this poor chap is going through:


        Also, check out the comments and tell me if you agree with any of them.

        Good night and rest well, and get petted!


      6. No. Rejection isn’t arousing. Rejection is isolating and defeating. It wrecks you in a way that makes you question everything about yourself. It’s heartbreaking and devouring and makes you wonder if the pain of loss would be easier to handle.

        Being denied doesn’t turn me on. It makes me crazy. Literally.


      7. I like to be touched everywhere. Honestly, even just hand holding. I suppose the touching depends on the circumstance, but I think, in general, men tend to reserve touching for the bedroom, when THEY are interested in sex. I want to be held, in his lap or embraced standing up. I’d love him to stroke my hair or comb through it with his fingers (I keep my hair silky and soft to be inviting for a reason). I really don’t think there is a “wrong” way to go here, though.

        Again, I will answer that no, I do not feel aroused from being denied. I feel aroused because I am a sexy, vibrant woman who wants sex. That’s pretty much it. When I’m not feeling aroused already, denial of touch only feels like rejection on some base level of marriage.

        I really have no response to the plight of these guys married to frigid women. As a woman who would MAYBE be satisfied with sex every night, I don’t understand what is wrong with them. I don’t get how they are able to turn down a man who wants them. I haven’t refused sex in years. I think the last time I did, it was because I actually was getting sick, but gave him a handjob so that he didn’t feel rejected. My husband has reminded me that when we were moving into our house a decade ago, I might have refused a couple times because I was tired… but so was he. And, back then, we were having sex almost every night.

        I will say two things about these men. Perhaps they should try more than a simple, “hey, wanna fuck?” That line will work on me, but lots of women associate far more romance with sex. I haven’t read too many stories about guys wooing their wives with dates, flowers, candlelight, etc. and still getting rejected. If he seems genuinely interested in HER and not just the act of sex, perhaps she’ll be more compliant?


      8. I don’t know what to say about the last paragraph of your response Mel honey, I can’t agree much but I’ll leave it at that.


      9. I didn’t think you’d agree. But then, you’re living single and free in paradise! So you don’t need to worry about all that hearts and flowers stuff…


      10. @MEL

        “I didn’t think you’d agree. But then, you’re living single and free in paradise! So you don’t need to worry about all that hearts and flowers stuff…”

        Oh now snarky Mel, tsk tsk. I could go into reasons why I am justified in disagreeing, but rather than upset a pregnant woman, a sexual idealist and a delicate flower I will just leave it at that. It is OK, I don’t always need to be right. At the end of the day, you are a well-intentioned girl.


      11. I was a bit sassy yesterday. We are both right. Women should have sex with their husbands, no matter what. It is an entitlement of marriage. Period. But women are sensitive, and sometimes need more than men are willing to offer. They shouldn’t, however, assume that being married gives them the power.


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