Everything and Nothing

Everything's Possible by karfozy via DeviantArt.com
Everything’s Possible by karfozy via DeviantArt.com

The battle wages within.

She is a champion, driven and dependable. The heart of an empath.  The blood of a warrior. The mind of a scholar. The smile of an angel.

But inside, she is a failure. A fraud. A broken down actress who fakes it because she doesn’t know any other way.

She is everything. Yet… She is nothing.

Do you see her there? Pushing herself in every attempt to attain perfection. Striving constantly to one up herself.

Do you understand what it takes to persist without persistence, to subsist without sustenance?

She is everything. No. She is nothing.

He sees her. Watching her struggles and successes. He is proud of her, regardless of her endeavor or its outcome.

But she is blind to his adoration and deaf to his respect. She can only feel her own isolation. She cannot be taught.

She is everything. But, she is nothing.

Until… He makes her see. He makes her feel. He makes her learn.

The world shrinks and life seems manageable. The darkness doesn’t seem so black and the lightness isn’t so blindingly bright.

She learns of respect, worth and hope. She finds peace in the corners she once ignored. And finally, basking in the warmth of self actualization… She is the sunset and the sunrise.

She does not have to be everything.

She was never, ever nothing.

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